October 19, 201
Monaco Cavendish 2015
Le Fairmont October 19-23
The last Board of the 3rd Session generated swings in almost all the matchs.
This is what happened at the Mahmood-China ladies match.
In the first seat Liu Yan opened 1, Zia overcalled 1 and Lu Yan showed his club suit, telling her partner she had some values but no heart support. Bilde invited to game showing a 4 cards support for his partners suit. Liu Yan insisted with her hearts and Zia closed the bidding with a 4 call.
The heart lead, helped declarer to make 12 tricks, he won the lead with his king and played a spade. East won with her ace and returned a heart for a ruff, Zia played the valet and later was able to throw a diamond loser in the A for +480.
At the other table Duboin also opened 1 and South also overcalled 1. But here Madala doubled showing both minors. North invited to game with a 3 cuebid and Duboin passed. Gan acepted the invitation with a 4 call and Madala insisted asking his partner to chose a minor.
Ran doubled, Duboin passed again asking his partner to mention his best minor and finally Madala ended as the declarer of 5X. Madala was one down earning 9 IMPs for his team.
These were the resullts in each table: