Tuesday May 12, 2015
Photo Album: Click Here …Teams Results : Click here
The 2015 Southamerican Bridge Championships will select two teams for each category; Open, Ladies, and Senior to represent the Zone 3 for the 2015 Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and d’Orsi Cup, to be held in Chennai, India from September 26 through October 10th.
Players, Convention Cards and photos: Click Here
Brazil met Argentina in the third match of the day. At one of the tables for Argentina played: Pellegrini-Lucena, and for Brazil: Chagas – Villas Boas, at the other table Camberos-Muzzio (ARG) vs Brenner-Branco (BRZ).
Lets see some of the boards of the match.
Board 3
After Branco’s 1 opening bid, and his 2NT rebid after Brenner’s 1 response, the Brazil players arrived to the 3NT contract.
Lead: 3
Muzzio led his fourth spade, and dummy’sQ won the first trick. Branco continued with a small club, Camberos also played a small one and declarer played the 9 to North’s 10. Double dummy you can see that a diamond return defeats the contract, but Muzzio continued with A and another .
This helped Branco…he won that trick…played four heart rounds, and a club to the A and another club. Muzzio won with his K, played his spade and had to concede the last two tricks for + 600. At the other table, the same contract, with the same lead, and dummys Q won the first trick. Lucena for Argentina, played a heart to his hand and continued with a small club to dummy’s valet. South won the trick with the Q and played the J, after winning the trick he played another spade, the K, A and another spade to South’s 10. Now Vilas Boas played a diamond and Lucena finished three down, 14 IMPs for Brazil.
Board 8
Lucena opened 3 and Chagas bidded the spade game. After Pellegrini’s pass, Villas Boas decided to invite to slam with a club cuebid. Chagas showed his diamond control, South heart control and the partnership landed in the spade slam. After the lead the declarer claimed 12 tricks.
At the other table Branco also opened 3, but here Muzzio chose to say 3, Brenner interrupted with 4 and Camberos said 4…end of Action.
The board was 11 IMPs for Brazil.
When the match was Brazil 38-8…started the argentinean recovery.
Board 12
Chagas opened 2…V. Boas said three…THE END.
At the other table Muzzio also chose to open 2, but here his partner asked with 2NT, Muzzio answered 3, positive, and they played the game. The favorable Q position, helped declarer to make 10 tricks and to add 10 so needed IMPs for his team.
Board 13
With no heart fit, N/S decided to play the 3NT contract with a 7 lead. This gave declarer the contract, he ended with 10 tricks.
At the other table South was declarer and he received a club lead too.
The declarer played a small one from dummy and the Q won the trick. Pellegrini returned the Q, South played small, Pellegrini continued with the 10…Villas Boas played small again, now the A and another spade and declarer was one down.
Another 12 IMPs for Argentina… finally they only lost the match by 6 IMPs.