Bridge Road Warriors 2014 # 13

2014 Bermuda Regional GS Jade Barrett
2014 Bermuda Regional, Expert Lecture by GS Jade Barrett
10:40 16 February 2014  by GS Jade Barrett, CsbNews correspondent
Tracy Anderson
Tracy Anderson
«You need to be dedicated to your workout, whatever you choose» – Tracy Anderson
The two full days of system discussion are very intense. They require coping with the many variables that occur during the normal course of a constructive auction, deciding on the best options and evaluating the success of the same. Considerations include the expected frequency of occurrence and the ability to remember the obscure.
In my youth I developed a bisymetric relay that I was very proud of, but after one particularly humbling session, I decided that no system that required perfect memory to obtain results that would be reached by standard methods was worth the effort. Besides, the fourteen deals we misbid were very hard on the partnership, much less the team.
With that in mind, I went back to my Roth-Stone, Courtenay’s Losing Trick Count and Schenken roots, and the base of our [ilink url=»″]Great American Bridge Tour[/ilink] system was formed. There have been many contributors to our methods in the decades that have followed, and these difficult sessions of training have played a significant role in vetting our chosen bidding structure.
Simply phrased, these bidding thinktank gatherings are necessary, exhausting and occasionally humbling. There is nothing like suddenly realizing your «good idea» is substantially without merit. The good news is that our successful performances as a team are directly connected to these brainstorming sessions, though it may take a while for our group as a whole to be on the same page all the time.