Bridge & Humor: A Vivid Dream

Historic handkerchief of contract bridge on exhibit at the Gallery of Design. © UW-Madison News & Public Affairs 608/262-0067 Photo by: courtesy Gallery of Design Date: 1992 File#: color slide provided

Have you ever had a vivid dream which, at the time, seems to make eminent and even brilliant sense but which come morning turns out to have been more like ashes than fire?

I have always liked the story of the bridge player who dreamed about an entire bridge hand one night. It was absolutely the most sensational thing he had ever conceived of. Struggling awake, he grabbed a pencil which he always kept on his bed-side table and furiously scribbled notes.

Then; satisfied that he had captured the gist of this masterpiece on paper, he slipped back into a deep and blissful sleep.

Awakening next morning, he recalled the experience with a start and reached eagerly for his note pad.

On it he had scrawled just two words: «Write the card play.»

Danny Kaye
Danny Kaye

Adaptation of a Danny Kaye favorite joke.