A Bridge Tip by Helen Sobel


Source: The Milwaukee Journal – Feb 10, 1950

Bad Vulnerable overcalls lose more points at the bridge table than any other indulgences. The good bridge player does not come in vulnerable at the two or three level or even the one level for that matter, without real security.   He does not allow himself to be fooled for the fact he has a «good strong opening hand» in his hand. He thinks of the takings tricks he has in case his partner has nothing and only then  if it seems for him to be worth the risk he steps in. It is better occasionally to chance of missing a game than to step in dangerously South got what was coming to him on today’s deal.

East dealer, N/S vulnerable


7 4 2
A 8 7 3
J 10 8 6 2

A Q J 5
K 9 7 5
Q J 9
K 4


9 8 6 3
10 3
10 6 2
A 9 5 3


K 10
A Q J 6 4 2
K 5 4
Q 7

West opened 1, and East raised to two. South did indeed have a good hand, and admitedly it was possible that North would have enough to the partnership to make a game in hearts. But there are some hands on which one must take one’s licking to insure avoiding disaster. With North-South vulnerable and East-West not, and with both opponents bidding, and North having passed, South despite his six heart suit and outside kings, should have decided that discretion was the better part of valor. 
South had on his rose cloured glasses, however, and stepped in, with three hearts, which West prompltly doubled. East made a good decision in leaving it in, despite his weak hand. East and West, by careful defense, after the Q lead by West, were able to take two spade tricks, two heart tricks, a diamond trick and two club tricks for an 800 set.
To make matters worst, with the singleton heart opening lead by North, East-West could not have made 4 spades,  had they been tempted to bid it.
Be careful when you step in vulnerable!!!