Vanderbilt 2016 – Final Part 2 by Maurizio di Sacco

Lavazza Team Vanderbilt 2016
Lavazza Team Vanderbilt 2016

Reno, March 20, 2016

Read part I Click here

Maurizio di Sacco
Maurizio di Sacco

CAYNE recorded immediately afterwards its first double digit swing of the match, when Bocchi-Brenner got to an hopeless six clubs, opposite an easy three no-trump in the other room.

Board 5. Dealer North.. NS Vulnerable.

 10 4
 J 10 8 6 3
 6 3
 J 8 3 2
 K Q 5
 A 9 3 2
 A K J 10 8 4
 J 8 3 2
 A 9 7 5
 Q 7
 Q 7 2
   A 9 7 6
 K Q 4 2
 K 8 7
 9 5

Open Room:

West North    East     South
Versace Madala   Lauria     Bianchedi
 Pass   Pass     1
 Pass  Pass   Dbl     Pass
 Pass  Rdbl   Pass     1
 2  Dbl   2     Pass
 3  3NT   End

Closed Room:

West North    East     South
Brenner Cayne    Bocchi     Seamon
 Pass    Pass     1
 Dbl  Pass    1     Pass
 2  2    2     Pass
 3  Pass    4     Pass
 4  Pass    4     Pass
 4NT  Pass    5     Pass
 6  End
Giorgio Duboin
Giorgio Duboin

Once more, the different system played a big role, since in the Closed room Brenner, after Seamon’s 1¨ opening bid, had all the reasons to think that his partner was short in diamonds. 10 IMP back to CAYNE.

The battle continued in the next board, where LAVAZZA registered an 8 IMP gain thank to a five diamonds save against a cold four hearts, found by Bianchedi-Madala, and missed by Cayne-Seamon.

Mustafa Cem Tokay, Lorenzo Lauria y Alfredo Versace
Mustafa Cem Tokay, Lorenzo Lauria y Alfredo Versace

More blood flooded in the next two boards, both times in favour of CAYNE.. First 5 IMP when the different 1NT opening range worked badly for LAVAZZA. Bocchi opened with fourteen (14+-17) and Brenner had to make a try with his nine point-count, but despite the favourable lead, all cards were wrongly placed and the declarer had to eventually concede down one, while Lauria opened one club and his pair safely rested one level below. Then 2 more IMP when both NS pairs overbid, but CAYNE did it one level below (four clubs down two opposite five clubs down three, not vulnerable).

The rhythm didn’t slow down: LAVAZZA scored 13 IMP on board nine when Lauria-Versace overbid to a completely hopeless six diamonds, while Bocchi-Brenner rested in 3NT, making ten tricks. Then, CAYNE got 5 IMP when once more the LAVAZZA boys played one heart in the four-three fit after a transfer sequence, and went three off, while one no-trump failed by just one trick in the other room.

Jimmy Cayne
Jimmy Cayne

Finally a very dull board hit the table: an easy four spades where you could make no more and no less than ten tricks, but in the last four boards 28 more IMP were scored, with CAYNE enjoying the biggest share of them.

To start with, Lauria took a better view than Bocchi in a highly competitive auction. Before showing you the whole hand, I present you with a typical case that you need to discuss with your partner, to set up the partnership’s style. Your RHO is the dealer, all vulnerable, and opens one diamond, and you hold: KQ73 AK42 Q92 A3. How to you act? Do you chose to double or to overcall one no-trump?

Board 12. Dealer West.. All Vulnerable.

 K Q 7 3
 A K 4 2
 Q 9 2
 A 3
 10 8
 A J 8 7 4
 K 9 8 4 2
 J 10 8 5
 J 6 5 3
 K 10 6
 10 5
   9 6 4 2
 Q 9 7
 5 3
 Q J 7 6

Open Room:

West North    East     South
Versace Madala   Lauria     Bianchedi
 1  Dbl   Pass     1
 2  2   Dbl     Pass
 Pass  2   3     End

Closed Room:

West North    East     South
Brenner Cayne    Bocchi     Seamon
 1  1NT    Pass     Pass
 2  Dbl    2     2

Both contract made, and CAYNE had 6 IMP.

Norberto Bocchi-Diego Brenner
Norberto Bocchi-Diego Brenner

LAVAZZA got 4 IMP back when nobody found an opening bid in the Open Room, but Bocchi boldly did in the Closed Room (holding a really chunky eleven count: J652 K82 KQ764 Q, vulnerable, but once more was matter of partnership style), leading his pair to a cold two spades which recorded nine tricks.

Then the last double digit swing, once more to CAYNE:

Board 14. Dealer East.. None Vulnerable.

 A 6
 A K Q 9 5
 J 10 7
 9 6 4
 J 10
 A 6 5 3
 K J 10 7 3 2
 J 9 5 4
 Q 8 4 2
 K Q 8 5
   Q 10 8 7 3 2
 8 6 5 3 2
 K 9

Open Room:

West North    East     South
Versace Madala   Lauria     Bianchedi
  Pass     Pass
 1  1   Dbl     4
 4NT  Pass   5     Dbl
 Pass  5   End

Closed Room:

West North    East     South
Brenner Cayne    Bocchi     Seamon
   Pass     Pass
 1  1    Dbl     4
Agustin Madala - Zia Mahmood
Agustin Madala – Zia Mahmood

To start with, Versace took a better view than Brenner – five clubs would have gone just down one with a right guess in diamonds – but what really mattered was the play, because Cayne recorded thirteen tricks while Madala summed up just ten.

The difference was in the way the two declarers handled the spades: Madala led a small one to the queen, and Cayne banged down the ace. 13 IMP.

The last board brought 6 IMP to CAYNE, enough to exactly level the match, 48 apiece.

Board 15. Dealer South.. NS Vulnerable.

 K Q J 9 8 3 2
 Q J 9
 7 6
 10 5 4
 K J 5
 K 7 4 3
 J 8 2
 A 7
 10 7 2
 A 8 6
 A Q 9 5 4
 A Q 9 8 6 3
 10 5 2
 K 10 3

Open Room:

West North    East     South
Versace Madala   Lauria     Bianchedi
 Pass  Pass   2NT     Pass
 3NT  PEnd

Closed Room:

West North    East     South
Brenner Cayne    Bocchi     Seamon
 Pass  2    Pass     3
 Pass  3    Pass     4

Cayne’s decision to get involved worked very well, since silenced EW who, thank to the very friendly layout of the cards were cold for three no-trump. Four spades drifted one off, while Lauria-Versace duly bid the 22 flat point-count game and made it.

Editor’s Note:

Reserved for Italian people. The WGM Afredo Versace wrote in his facebook wall:

Alfredo Versace
Alfredo Versace

«Vanderbilt 2016 perso anzi straperso la finale ma onore ai nostri avversari amici del team Lavazza che hanno giocato davvero bene ed hanno meritato di vincere,vittoria che vale molto di più per Diego ed Aleandro ( entrambi splendidi ) che non hanno vinto quanto i loro compagni e quindi si gusteranno il sapore del successo ..bravi !!!

Il bridge italiano trionfa ancora una volta piazzando ai primi due posti della Vanderbilt la maggior parte dei giocatori presenti a Reno.Ultima considerazione per la mia squadra team Cayne ..i love you!! Abbiamo dovuto aspettare fino a domenica(9;giorni di k.o). per trovare qualcuno che ci battesse. Tony Musty Lorenzo Michael ed il nostro grande Jimmy famigerato Jec in BBO!!!»