Bridge & Humor: Is this Bridge or Pinocle?


Lewiston Evening Journal – 29 Mar 1935;  Freak Hand in the Bridge Marathon  By Max Hill

NEW YORK- March 29

One freak hand and the simple but astounding way P. Hal and Dorothy Sims bid it, was the subject of much controversy today as the Culbertson -Sims bridge marathon of 150 rubbers swung into its eighth session and 29th rubber with Ely and Josephine Culbertson, 2,530 points ahead.Hal Sims

«One club,» said Dorothy Sims, with the jack the only club in her hand. (Mrs. Sims is noted for her psyches.)

«Pass,» was all Culbertson had to say.

«Seven clubs,» said Sims, slowly but without hesitation.

Culbertson, startled, glanced at his bulky opponent. Mrs. Culbertson, smiling slightly, passed. Mrs. Sims did. too. She was tense and apparently dismayed.

«By the way, Huh» queried Culbertson, arching his eyebrows, «Is this contract bridge wo are playing?»

Sims thought a moment and chuckled. He shifted heavily in his chair.Ely Culbertson cocktail ad

«I was under the impression it might he pinochle.» he answered.

Mrs. Sims moved nervously, as Culbertson opened with the club deuce. Sims flipped eight clubs onto the table, including the ace, king and queen. Mrs. Sims captured the trick with her lone Jack. She went ahead to play the hand neatly, avoiding a heart finesse which she could not afford to take, although it would have succeeded.

She returned a small diamond trumped in dummy, which was blank in diamonds and then dropped the remaining, trumps, discarding a spade herself on the second trump lead. Rwo more rounds of diamonds picked up Culbertson’s queen, making her jack good.

Culbertson was incensed. «I still don’t believe there is such a bid in any system, even the Sims system. One club—seven clubs. Bah»  he said.

Sims nodded agreement. «I agree heartily with you, Ely,» he said.

Until the 28th rubber, in which they made the grand slam, Sims and his wife trailed by 5500 points. They picked up 2.970 points on the rubber to cut the Culbertson advantage to 2,530.