Genetic Diversity

Lakshmanan Valliappa
Lakshmanan Valliappa

Source: Mishaps at the Bridge Table Thursday, January 28, 2016

My opponent on one of the hands I played at the club game on Tuesday emailed:

Great to play against you last night, including board 25 where you opened 1NT with a void:

                   –    A2    A7632    AKJ754

and wound up in 5. It’s so great that you have children, because otherwise society would have to put you in some sort of captive breeding program in order to preserve the genetic diversity that you bring to the world.  There simply aren’t that many humans who would bid the hand that way!

This is the hand that got him so snarky:
Partner (N) passed as did East.  Having sorted the South hand as follows:

 AKJ    A2    A7632    754

I opened the hand 1NT (15-17).   West overcalled 2 and partner passed.  East, with remarkable restraint, passed!   At this point, I looked down at my hand and realized that I actually held:

 –    A2    A7632    AKJ754

The rest of the bidding went:

North E South (me) W
P P 1NT 2
P P 3 P
3 3 4 P
P 4 5 P
5 P P P

Seems quite normal to me.