Monaco 2016: Believe or Burst


Monaco 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016         

1st European Winter Games: Results and Bulletins

The last set of the quarterfinal match between Lavazza and Vytas began with a lead of 122-76 for Lavazza. In the first three boards Bocchi-Bianchedi bet on the slam and the whole situation reminded me of the presidential change in Argentina, where Mauricio Macri replaced Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner after 8 years in office. In the early days there was an issue that struck us Argentines, because we are not used to read about negative energys and these herbs at the level of politics … but this was published in every newspaper in the country…

Believe or burst. Nothing seems to soothe the headaches Mauricio Macri suffered in his first days in office. And that would be the cause of a «spiritual cleansing» ordered by the President to his office at the Government House. While Macri  was in Davos, his office received a spiritual washing and more…including changes in furniture, tables and even the smell of the place that was occupied by Cristina Kirchner in recent eight years.

These are the first two boards, and see if you agree with me …

WG2016 QF 3 de 3 M1

 Board 1: Notice the position of the club suit,  left behind AQ632 and the diamond suit… waiting for KQ8765….

 Bocchi was one down, at the other table they choose to play 6, Bilde (East) doubled with his  AJ1093 … and N/S didnt try to escape…they were three down and 10 IMPs for Lavazza.WG2016 QF 3 de 3 M2

 Board 2

 Again the intrepid Lavazza players rushed to slam. This time Bocchi carefully chose the heart as trump … again both suits distribution and position, made it impossible to fulfill the 6 or 6 contracts.

At this table in 6, Bianchedi finished three down, at the other room N/S chose to play the spade slam, only one down and 5 IMPs for Vytas.

 And Board 3 arrived…WG2016 QF 3 de 3 M3

 Again our already beaten heroes rushed to slam. After a 1 and a 1 response showing a heart suit, the 2 rebid showed 3 heart cards and 16+ HCP. Bocchi’s 2NT was a FG relay.

Bianchedi continued describing his hand with 4 he showed 4 hearts and diamond shortness. After some cuebids and the Blackwood convention the partnership decreed the heart slam.

After a 8 lead, Bocchi after he got his cards over the table, stand up and in a pray … he said to Bianchedi: PLEASE ONE !!!! JUST ONE!!!

Watch Bocchi’s prayer in the 10 seconds video below…

Bianchedi won the lead in dummy, played the club ace, and continued with the diamond jack. West won with his ace and continued with another trump. Bianchedi won, played a club to the king and another club, the queen…ruffed … and claimed his 12 tricks …

Bocchi’s prayer… cleaned the environment?. At the other table, Vytas players chose not to risk, they played only 4…they must have believed that there was no spiritual cleansing available to change the things…

Believe or Burst…Lavazza finally went to the semifinals …