Boca Raton News – 23 Abr 1980
«It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit»— Antoine Haven’t
Mystery is the key to a murder story set in the environs of the top level bridge scene. Entitled «Trick 13,» Jeremy Flint tells a story that begins with a Jury’s verdict without identifying the accused. It’s not until the end does one discover who the murderer and the victim are. Very few hands, but lots of bridge intrigue.
Opening lead: 10
Today’s hand is a great one. East’s four no trump was a special device asking for specific aces. West’s response meant he had no aces. South gambled that the heart slain would make (he was right) and he risked the save at six spades, which was promptly doubled. The author describes: «West led the club 10 and declarer won East’s bidding suggested at least six solid hearts and, since North-South held three aces, East must have two voids. Why had West led a club instead of a heart?
The likely explanation was that West held three hearts and only one club. «Upon this evidence, South was able to develop his plan. At trick two, declarer led the spade deuce, intending to finesse dummy’s six if West played low. West inserted the nine and dummy’s ace won.
«A heart was ruffed and dummy’s diamond seven was finessed, East showing out as expected. Another heart ruff and a finesse of dummy’s nine of diamonds were followed by a third heart ruff and a finesse of dummy’s diamond jack. «Two clubs went away on the ace and king of diamonds and the last three cards were Q-..1-5 of spades for West and K-10-8 for South. A spade was ducked to West and the forced spade return surrendered the last two tricks.»
Making six spades doubled and a good murder mystery added to boot.