Bridge & Humor: «Excuse me, but haven’t we met before…?»


More than 1,500 bridge players assembled in Miami Beach early in December 1955 to take part in the 29th annual Winter National Tournament of the American Contract Bridge League. By the time the tournament neared the end of its nine-day term, some of the players were in no condition to recognize anything but the Ace of spades.

The following incident is reported as true (but not guaranteed by this reporter): Charles Hall a well known American expert, boarded a lift and heard somebody say:

» Hello, Charlie.-

He looked up, saw a face that looked vaguely familiar, and responded:

» Er, hello,» some-what blankly.

Then, realizing that the other man was probably a bridge player. and that some politeness would not go amiss. Charlie asked. How’d you go today?»

«For Heaven’s sake. Charlie,» exclaimed the other fellow, I was your partner all afternoon!»