Test Your best Play for Six by Oswald Jacoby


The Argus-Press – Feb 7, 1974

Here is another Paul Lukacs test your play problem from the Bridge World magazine.O 1

You find yourself in a rather normal six notrump contract. West opens the three of clubs and it is up to you to play the hand.

Paul points out that you must take the heart finesse some time or other so he suggests after winning the club you cash dummy’s king of hearts, lead toward your hand and finesse the jack. It loses and we can assume that West will lead another club.

If you dont want to go down more than one you play spades right away. If you want to take the best play for your contract you should cash all your heart, diamond and club winners to see if you can get any information about your opponents’ distribution.

You do! Everyone follows so you are right back where you started except that you have noted the fall of the spot cards from East and West and it looks as if West started with only three. cards in diamonds and clubs. Hence is more likely to be long in spades.

Also he might have led spade if he didn’t hold the queen, so you devote to play him for it. You lead your king of spades: carefully play the jack or 10 from dummy, lead your nine and make the slam.