An Italian Style Slam at the Brasileiro 2014

Agustin Madala en Bali 2013

brasileiro largoSeptember 12, 2014

Brasileiro 2014 Official Site

In the Jurerê Il Campanario Village Resort in Florianopolis Brazil was being played the Brasileiro 2014 Bridge Teams Championship and BBO was transmitting one of the semifinal tables, these were the teams playing:

d’Orsi: Ernesto D’Orsi – Maurício Figueiredo – João Paulo Campos – Miguel Villas Boas – Agustin Madala

Silva Neto: Silva Neto – Amilcar – Eduardo Barcellos – Maurício Machado

At the table Madala-Figueiredo in N/S and Amilcar-Silva Neto in W/E.

The first set ended with d’Orsi’s victory, this is one of the boards that helped the team…Brasileiro 2014 Tab 17

 Board 17

Madala opened 2 forcing to game. Figueiredo  begun with 2, the opener with 2NT showed a 22-23 points balanced hand.

South asked for 5 card majors with a 3 bid and 3 denied them, Mauricio continued with a 3 transfer to 3NT to continue afterwards showing a hand that was interested to play slam with clubs.

After some cue-bids, South said 4NT showing he didnt have major’s controls and Madala chosed the club slam.

Silva Neto led a club, this helped declarer to clarify the trump suit…but he needed more.

Madala played two trump rounds more, ending in dummy and played a low diamond to the A, returned to the dummy with his last club and continued with the 10. When West, played low Madala did the same, and East won the trick. The declarer won the next trick and asking if the spade finesse was OK…finished the job.

Finally d’Orsi team won his ticket to the final to play against the Chagas team.