Poland ‘s NBO teaches its members how to present their taxes

Asociacion Polaca de Bridge

 Surfing the net we read that in Poland every bridge player can help financially bridge as a sport, with no cost. They only must redirect 1% of their taxes … 

The countries that have the same tax advantages are using them wisely? and those who do not…Are they making efforts to have them?

Information extracted from official Site of the Polish Federation Bridge

Become a donor to the bridge of Poland

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s time to file your 2011 taxes to the tax authorities. The Polish Bridge Federation is a nonprofit society, and as the bridge is a sport, it means that you can support the activities of the PZBS by paying 1% of your taxes to the PZBS. The money will be divided as follows: 50% deposit will be used by the PZBS, mainly in the development of youth bridge, the other 50% of the deposit will return to the Bridge Association in your residence area. The success of our youth in Philadelphia and its participation in Albena last year was thanks to donors …

And the PZBS continues teaching its members to file their taxes the right way to be able to donate 1% for bridge-sport …

We hope that all countries begin to do the same and to devote much of the proceeds to help grow the bridge in their countries.