2014 Schapiro Spring Foursomes


Source: EBU

flag_gbSchapiro Spring Foursomes: Holiday Inn, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2nd – 6th May 2014

schapiro trophy
schapiro trophy

The Spring Fours is one of the great events in the English calendar. Held at the Holiday Inn, the principal event the Schapiro Trophy has become one of the toughest events in domestic bridge. It is run on double-elimination lines over nine sessions each of 32 boards.

A secondary event, the Punchbowl, is open to teams eliminated before Sunday evening. It has a round-robin qualifier followed by a mini knockout. The Hamilton Cup is a more relaxed event for teams seeking a game on Bank Holiday Monday.

2013 Holders: Janet de Botton, David Burn, Thomas Charlsen, Thor Erik Hoftaniska, Artur Malinowski & Nick Sandqvist

Team Count (April 27th) = 53 teams Click here to see them all

Maria-Teresa Lavazza has entered her world champions – Giorgio Duboin, Agustin Madala, Noberto Bocchi, and Argentinian star, Alejandro Bianchedi – for the EBU’s premier event, the Schapiro Spring Foursomes. It will be the first time for many years that an Italian team has played in an EBU competition. She is not alone in finding the event attractive. World Champion Eric Saelensminde is among a contingent from Norway. Sabine Auken and Roy Welland, now on the German team, will be joined by Zia Mahmood and Marion Michielsen, the latter having made such an impact for the Netherlands. Add to the mix the Danes Denis and Morten Bilde, the Bulgarians Kalin Karaivanov and Rumen Trendafilov, the Polish Spingold winners Wojciech Gawel and Rafal Jagniewski, and top players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and you have a mouth-watering field. Here is a golden opportunity to play against some of the best players in the world. All you need is a partner and teammates who would enjoy the experience and your entry would be accepted.