2012 Eilat Champions Cup – Helness and Bocchi’s way to preempt


    For Neapolitan Club by Enrico Garrisi

    Eric Kokish

    Eric Kokish (Toronto) is not only a great champion and a gentleman, but also a scholar; besides the other works, he has written the Guide to completion of the World Bridge Federation (WBF) Convention Card. In the Weak Two opening paragraph he advises to specify the “style” according with these definitions: Standard (i.e. fair six-card suit); Undisciplined (i.e. bad six-card suit or often fair five-card suit acceptable); Random (anything is acceptable).

    In the match Monaco-Lavazza, semi-final of 2012 Champion Cup, Norberto Bocchi had these cards:

    KQ10962 Q654 A76 Void.

    The dealer passed, he opened 2. The strength of the suit enters into in the disciplined definition: fair six-card suit.

    Norberto Bocchi

    However, in their book “Preempts” (1993 Magnus Books), Sabine Zenkel Auken and Ron Andersen recommend in first and second place…Click here to continue Reading