Yeh Bros Cup 2015: Two Boards from the KO Match China Open – Italy


2015 Yeh Bros Cup

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The 2015 Yeh Bros Cup (at The Shanghai ) which is staged by The Shanghai Financial Bridge Club, includes the Open Teams, Swiss Plate and Open Pairs.

Friday April 10, 2015

We had hoped to be down to two undefeated teams and six once defeated teams at the end of play Friday. However the best made plans of mice of men rarely come to fruition. At the end of play China Open had defeated Italy by 5 IMPs. However on a board where China gained enough IMPs to make an appeal significant, Italy has elected to appeal on matters relating to mis-explanation and subsequent correction of that explanation. The appeal is to be heard before play commences Saturday morning to determine which team out of China Open and Italy remains in the Undefeated section and which team is relegated to the Once Defeated Pool. The following results are subject to the determination of the appeals committee. (Source: Yeh Bros Bulletins)

These are two boards from China Open-Italy KO  match, Segment 1. 

Yeh Bros 2015 Res KO 2. Seg 2 China Italia

Board 5 KO Segment 1 Match Italy-China Open

Sementa opened with 1club, Versace showed his spade suit, Sementa continued showing a limited hand with no spade support, and Versace showed spade extra length and game values, North doubled asking for a club lead and Sementa redoubled showing clubs, and denying spade support. West showed his hearts and finally the pair landed in a 3NT contract.

Lead: clubK

The clubK won the first trick, and South left his hand playing a spade,  Sementa won with the ace. As declarer’s hopes were to take 1 club, 1 diamond, 4 hearts,and 3 spades, he immediately played the clubJ, watching South pitching a heart.  North won with his clubQ and returned the diamond suitJ.

Sementa covered with the diamond suitQ, to create an entry to dummy, and South covered with his diamond suitA to return a diamond, Sementa won with his diamond suit10 and things were easier now…He played his three hearts, watching South’s heart suit10 (remember that he pitched a heart in the clubs). East now could afford to overtake the third round of hearts, and he claimed 9 tricksYeh Bros 2015 Res KO 2. Seg 2 China Italia A

At the other table, E/W arrived to the same contract but with West as the declarer:

Bocchi led a smal club, el club2, Madala after winning the trick with his clubK returned a heart: heart suit5.

Declarer won in his hand, with the heart suitJ and trying to create an entry to dummy played the diamond suitQ, Madala won with his diamond suitA and returned a heart, declarer was again in his hand.

East played the heart suitA, the heart suit10 didn’t appear, continued with the spadeA and a high diamond to the diamond suitK. He played the heart suitK y and spadeK, spadeQ but as the spadeJ was still alive…he couldnt make his contract, one down.Yeh Bros 2015 Res KO 2. Seg 2 Tab 12 China Italia

Board 12 KO Segment 1 Match Italy-China Open

Bocchi opened with 1NT (revaluating his hand as they play NT 15-17 when Vulnerable) and Madala closed the game.

Lead: clubA

East won the first trick and continued with a small club. Bocchi won with his clubQ, and run his five hearts. East needed to find 4 discards;   he pitched: two diamonds, one spade and one club. Bocchi continued with spadeK and spade, watching East’s spadeQ over the table… he claimed his contract…his spadeJ was the ninth trick…

At the other table, North opened with 1heart suit, Sementa introduced his clubs and South supported hearts at the two level;  2heart suit…that ended the bidding. Nine tricks for declarer and 10 IMPs for Italy.