Yeh Bros Cup 2015: Italy Hits First


2015 Yeh Bros Cup

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The 2015 Yeh Bros Cup (at The Shanghai ) which is staged by The Shanghai Financial Bridge Club, includes the Open Teams, Swiss Plate and Open Pairs.

Wednesday April 8, 2015

The 2015 edition of the Yeh Bros Cup Shanghai Bridge Master Championship got under way on Tuesday evening with an opening ceremony attended by 28 of the world’s top teams. The size and strength of the field is unparalleled. The prize money (especially the first place of $150, 000) might be the largest ever awarded directly to a pair or team – since in an auction pairs event such as the Cavendish, the owners of the pair and not the players themselves take the prize. All things considered, the tournament rates to set all sorts of records.

No doubt the chance to win $ 150,000 is an important incentive, and Italy did not waste a single moment to demonstrate the supremacy to which we are accustomed and showed the other teams that they will have to give the best of them if they want to win.

These are some boards of the fourth and fifth set, which led Italy to the Pole position.

Fourth Set: Italy vs USA Ish

Board 7Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 7 R4

Duboin opened 1heart suit, and after a FG 2club by Bocchi, they chose to play 4heart suit.

Lead: spadeJ

Dennis Bilde won with the spade ace and returned the spadeQ, declarer won with the spadeK, and lose the heart finesse…Won the diamond suitQ return with the diamond suitA, draw trumps and claimed. At the other table the same contract was one down…Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 10 A R4

Board 10

Sementa opened 1diamond suit, Fleisher showed his weak hearts, Versace doubled for take out, after Antonio’s 2NT,  Versace closed the NT game.

Fleisher led his heart suitK…and declarer was able to count 9 tricks…Any other lead defeats immediately the contract.

Sementa won the lead and returned a heart…South won the trick and returned a small club, Sementa played the club ace and continued with the heart suit10…now his heart suit8 was his ninth trick.

At the other table E/W arrived to the same contract, but Giorgio Duboin didn’t lead a heart he chose a spade and no chances for Dennis Bilde…

 Fifth Set: Italy vs USA HampsonYeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 15 R5

Board 15

Duboin opened 1club and when he heard about his partner’s spade suit closed the spade game.

Lead: diamond suit7

Declarer played a small diamond, and Bathurst knowing his partner was broke, returned a diamond…perhaps he could be able to ruff, but declarer was able to win with the diamond suitJ…to continue playing spadeA and another spade. Finally declarer lose a club and claimed 10 tricks.Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 15 R5 A

At the other table Greco opened with a 2club (Precision), showing a limited hand with long clubs, Versace showed his strength bidding 2NT, Hampson supported his partner with a 3club bid and Sementa used a 4club bid to show his hearts, E/W played the heart game…and N/S spade fit disappeared forever…The declarer lost the four aces for down 1 and a 11 IMPs reward for his team. Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 16 R5

Board 16

Bathurst opened 1diamond suit and Bocchi showed his spade suit, Lall mentioned his hearts, and Duboin no vulnerable competed to 4spade.

Bathurst pass…and Lall chose to double…after his partner’s pass…it was impossible to find the club fit.

Bocchi was two down = -300. Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 16 R5 A

At the other table, the bidding begun exactly the same, but after South’s 4spade, Versace chose to double…showing his minors and letting his partner decide about the final contract. Here Sementa decided to play the club game. And declarer was rewarded with 11 easy tricks.

Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 19 R5

Board 19

Duboin opened 1heart suit and Bathurst showed his spade suit…Bocchi doubled showing minors and after Lall pass…Duboin chose to pass…for blood…

Bathurst after a while decided to escape and redoubled for help, his partner rescued him to 2club, now was Bocchi’s double time. The declarer had to go down 1 for -200.

At the other table Yeah Bros 2015 Tabilla 19 R5 AGreco also opened 1heart suit and Versace also mentioned his spades, but here Hampson chose to show his diamonds and finally Greco closed the heart game. But the terrible spade position helped defenders to make 4 tricks…for one down.