Yeh Bros Cup 2015: An Advance Warning?


2015 Yeh Bros Cup

2015 Yeh Bros Cup Site

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The 2015 Yeh Bros Cup (at The Shanghai ) which is staged by The Shanghai Financial Bridge Club, includes the Open Teams, Swiss Plate and Open Pairs.

Saturday April 11, 2015

The teams that will play the final are already defined:

China Open and Red Bull.

China Open and Red Bull will fight this Sunday for a u$s150.000 dollars prize to the winner and u$s 36,000 for the loser.

China Open: Sun Shaolin, Hu Linlin, Li Xiaoyi, Liu Jing, Hou Xu, Kang Meng

Red Bull: Wang Yuewu, Kuang Yuegang, Simon De Wijs, Bauke Muller, Liu Li, Lu Yipingha

It is worth mentioning that Red Bull was the only team who was never defeated during the KO stage so he will play the final, with a 6.5 carry over. He also had a half day rest, while the other three teams: China Open, Poland and Italy were playing to decide the other team to reach the final.

At the KO stage the final contenders clashed in a match in which Red Bull excelled by 65-48… An Advance Warning?

 First Set Red Bull – China Open KO 3.

Yeh Bros 2015 KO3 Seg 1 Red Bull China Tab 5Simon de Wijs & Bauke Muller, The Netherlands World Champions play the famous Tarzan system, a symmetric relay precision variant developed by themselves.

 Board 5 

Bauke Muller y Simon de Wijs
Bauke Muller y Simon de Wijs

North opened with 1heart suit (11-15, can have longer spades). East passed and South answered 1spade = relay FG.

After going over information about short spades and the sixth heart suit finally the WC pair landed in a 4heart suit contract. With the honor cards conveniently located the declarer who received a spade lead,  had no problems to make his 10 tricks, he just lost a club, the heart suitK and a diamond ruff.

At the other table E/W were more active and managed to add 3 IMPs for their team after finding the spade fit and sacrificing themselves in 4spade.

Board 10 was the only two digits swing of the set.Yeh Bros 2015 KO3 Seg 1 Red Bull China Tab 10

Board 10

East opened with 1spade, his partner’s 2heart suit answer was FG. Kuang Yueg repeated his suit to show a minimum hand, Wang Yuewu offered his six heart suit, and finally they chose to play 3NT.

Lead: 4

Jack, queen, and A was the first trick. West continued with a club to the king, when this hold, he played the spadeK, returned to his hand with a diamond and run the spades. When the spadeJ was played in the third round of the suit, the declarer sigh with relief and claimed his nine tricks: five spades, one heart, two diamonds and a club.

At the other table the opening also was 1spade, limited to 11-15, and West showed heart suits in a limited hand. West chose to pass, after his partner’s 3heart suit bid…10 IMPs for Red Bull although declarer make his contract.

Second Set Red Bull – China Open KO 3.Yeh Bros 2015 KO3 Seg 2 Red Bull China Tab 6

 Board 6

South opened with 1 (3+), and De Wijs showed his spade suit with a 1spade overcall, North showed his heart suit in transfer with 2. South 2spade bid showed a good heart fit with non minimum hand. Finally N/S chose to play the diamond slam.

As you can see after the club lead, where Muller after winning the trick with his ace, returned a spade, the only concern for the declarer is to locate the diamond queen.

Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey

Kit Woolsey commenting in the BBO VG, at the beginning of the bidding wrote: Overcalling only 1spade seems pointless to me.

When the bidding ended he said: Slam here is totally on getting the diamonds right; so maybe West did well to bid only 1spade.

Ahollan the other BBO commentator added: actually 1spade overcall plus non club honor helps place Q in West.

And then Kit added an excelent clue to find the trump queen:

I don’t expect declarer will get this right- But if he has presence of mind to play king and a spade first, then it will be another story. And there really is no reason not to do this.

Finally the declarer played the K and continued with a small diamond, when East followed small he played the A and was one down.

At the other table N/S played a comfortable 4heart suit for 11 IMPs…