XVII Festival de Bridge de Madeira by Vicky Chediak


Kragerø (NOR), Monday November 10, 2014

Yesterday finished the 17th Bridge Festival of Madeira, a tournament in which I love to participate, and that I recommend to players of all categories: from beginners to world champions. The location, the weather and the people, all the best!.

Dennis Bilde
Dennis Bilde

This year, I could not stay all the week, as my husband had to return to Norway to play the National Championship second division. So I only participate in the WARM UP and the Open Pairs tournament.

The Warm Up was played on Monday night and I had the great pleasure to play it with the world champion: Dennis Bilde. I do not think he felt the same. But it was fun, Dennis is a gentleman with capital letters.
I arranged to play this tournament with Dennis while we were in Sanya (CHI) during the XIV World Bridge Series, and as he do not like to play any convention, five minutes before the tournament we agreed: «Norske og små» that was all we said, meaning leads 1,3,5 and small for I like.
I was really nervous, I think that I didnt look at his face during the first 5 boards, though he was always with a smile. No matter the result of some horrible hands, he was always happy.
On Board 18, we were playing against his partner in the teams tournament, by the way he won the teams tournament that ended on Sunday. Dennis opened 3, in first position not vulnerable against vulnerable, I had:
A K J 2
K J 9 8
A 7 6 2
and closed the game in four hearts.
After watching my cards Dennis asked me: Where are your hearts? and I answered him, I have only two.
 _ Two? I see just one !. The other one is here in my chest (laughs).
Considering the vulnerability perhaps I should have passed over 3, anyway, he played the hand very well and was just one down, -50, Dennis hand was:
7 6
J 9 8 5 4 3 2
J 8 3
The board was 72% for us, but a pass would have been over 90%. Despite this hand, we did just a 48.58% and ended  50 of the 89 participating pairs.
Bodil Nyheim Øigarden
Bodil Nyheim Øigarden

The Open Pairs began Tuesday: 3 sessions of 26 boards each. During the tournament is possible to combine with other activities, especially if you are with non playing bridge companions.

I played with my Norwegian friend, Liv Marit Grude. In the first two sessions we did pretty well,  56.77% average and we were in the 17th place of 155 pairs.

On Wednesday we started the third session quite well. Board 1. Non Vul. I was sitting in East and my RHO opened 1, Pass, Pass, and my partner: 2 (showing majors), I chose 2, and she closed the 4 game.

Lead: J and this were both hands:
West                       East
A Q J 3               8 6
A J 8 4               10 5 3
—-                     K 9 2
Q J 10 8 4         A K 7 6 3
I ruffed, North played the Q. I continued with a small heart, North won the trick with the Q, and left his hand playing the A. I ruffed again, played the A and continued with three club rounds; in the first round South pitched a diamond;  I ended in my hand in the third club round.
North distribution and honors were transparent, he had a 4-4-2-3
I continued playing the K, North and dummy pitched spades, and played my last heart, endplaying North for 10 tricks and a 97% score.
The whole hand:
This tournament awards EUR 18,000 divided between the Open Pairs and the Teams Tournament, and this year with Liv we were lucky enough to win the Ladies category.

 The Teams event was won by «Das Autobahn: Dennis Bilde, Mads Eyde, Nedju Buchlev y Sebastian Reim

 And  now goodbye and until next tournament!!!