Why do the Italian champions win so many events?

Italia Campeon del Mundo 2013
Italia Campeon del Mundo 2013

Book Reviews by Paul Lavings        Paul Lavings

The Power of Positive Bidding by Wladyslaw Izdebski, Dariusz Kardas, Wlodzimierz Krysztofczyk Edited by Ron Klinger (Master Bridge Series, Canada, 2015, soft cover, 239 pages)

Why do the Italian champions win so many events?

It’s not their card play since the card play of the other top European and US players is also very strong. A group of Polish experts followed the Italians on BBO and pieced together their methods. It was up to Ron Klinger to convert this information into a most amazing book. The basis of the Italian bidding is the «Power Double»:


What would you bid holding  AQ75,  94,  AKQ82,  32.The Power of Positive Bidding

You and I might bid 5 but in the Italian methods double was a Power Double and confirmed their side had the balance of power and was forcing to game. When West replied 4 East’s 4 was now forcing and this created space for West to cuebid his singleton heart and reach a cold 6.

The book goes on to discuss how most doubles which were once penalties are now takeout, wide range pre-empts, aggressive third seat openings and double vs overcall. There is much information for two-over-one enthusiasts, non-serious 3NT, last train and a discussion of all the basic 2/1 sequences starting at the two level. And there are many new ideas. Four large chapters are devoted to slam bidding combining cue bidding, kickback, turbo and various new meanings for 4NT into a cohesive approach. High level competitive auctions are thoroughly dissected and examined.

This deal combines some of the many new concepts: South deals, all vulnerable


Versace preferred to open 1 and not 2 to give himself space to develop the auction. When opener makes a game try the partnership allows the possibility that partner is also looking for slam so on his meagre six-count Lauria raised to 4. 4NT was a «substitute cuebid» showing spade control and 5 was «last train». That was all Versace needed to bid the slam. The book is a blockbuster. On every page there are examples from championship play, mostly Lauria-Versace, and Ron Klinger’s explains every situation simply and clearly. There are so many revolutionary ideas and treatments in the book, it will change the way the game is played.