Walter Avarelli tells one of his Favorite Hands

Giorgio Belladonna
Giorgio Belladonna

Many years ago, in 1966, Walter Avarelli was asked about one of his favorite hands …

The senior member of the team in years, though not in service. A member of the judiciary, his future playing career may be limited by appointment to high office. With his partner Giorgio Belladonna he is responsible for the development of the Roman system, parts of which have been freely borrowed by leading players in this and other countries. On the hand that follows, Avarelli was declarer in a contract of Four Spades against the opening lead of the ten of hearts from North.

West East
 Q J 6 5 3
 5 2
 J 6
 A 10 8 3
 A K 4
 A K J 8 3
 Q 8 2
 K 9

How did Avarelli plan to give himself the best possible chance of making his contract?

Walter Avarelli
Walter Avarelli

Avarelli’s line of play guaranteed the contract against everything except a 5-0 division of the trump suit. He won the first trick with the ace of hearts and played four rounds of trumps, discarding one heart.

from dummy. A second heart from hand followed and whatever North plays, dummy follows with the eight. If South wins a heart return will give declarer an extra heart trick. A diamond return will enable him to develop a diamond trick on which he will discard one club while the heart will offer a discard for another club. A club return will permit declarer to discard one diamond on the heart and at the same time will ensure three club tricks and the contract.

South in fact held :  2   Q 9 7 6 4   K 10 8   Q 7 4 2