Venezuela: 2012 Master


This year 18 pairs participated in the Master 2012  in Venezuela.  They  played 17 matchs, 8 boards each, 3 matchs each day. For the VP convertion they used the  WBF 8 boards convertion.


Dohnert L. y Bisdikian D. won the Master 2012 

Ivy Smith & Morella Pacheco


 After the first sesion, the pair Ivy Smith & Morella Pacheco was in the TOP of the list, seconds were Dohnert L. y Bisdikian D. and thirds Morganti U. & Morganti L., and after the second session Dohnert L. & Bisdikian D. finished first,  Ivy Smith & Morella Pacheco  second and Sally Hantos & Nelson Morán third.