USBF Board to Choose Teams for 2012 SportAccord event

Jan Martel

The USBF has been asked to send an Open team and a Women’s team to the second SportAccord Mindsports games being held in Beijing, China Dec. 12-19th, 2012. Players in the 2012 USBC, USSBC and USWBC should receive an email asking for an expression of interest in competing. If you did not receive the email, either because you did not compete in this year’s Trials, or because the email address you gave USBF is no longer correct, or because your email program thinks that email from the USBF website is junk, and are interested in competing in this  event, please email Jan Martel with your name and your partner’s name before midnight on Thursday, Sept. 7th (note that the Board will invite 3 pairs for each event).