USBC 2012: RR Last results


 Source: USBF   

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USBC 2012 Round Robin -The first 11 teams clasified.

Hands from the first Bulletin: Click Here

Team Name Total
14. Becker 183.32
5.  Mahaffey 174.67
3.  Wolfson 174.56
6.  Milner 166.50
9.  Falk 165.05
15. Robbins 155.34
2.  Spector 154.65
4.  Jacobs 151.87
13. Weinstein 151.76
10. Robinson 148.87
8.  Lee 147.16
12. Rogoff 142.39
1.  Gordon 133.06
7.  Levine 117.05
11. Chan 83.75