Two suited hand poor for defense By Alfred Sheinwold

George Rapee

Eugene Register-Guard – 31 Jul 1971

North dealer, both sides vulnerable.

Opening lead — 5

If you want to know how old a woman is, ask her sister-in-law. If you want to know how good a bridge player is, ask his partner. I asked about George Rapee and got todays hand from Rapee’s favorite partner, Sidney Lazard. It would be pleasant to present a Rapee’s disaster, but Lazard doublecrossed me by talking about a
very well-played hand.

Rapee won the first trick with the ace of spades and drew two rounds of trumps with the ace and king. Then he carefully led a diamond to dummy’s king to take the remaining red card out of the East hand. On a club return from dummy, West won with the seven of clubs. West led his other spade to dummy’s king, whereupon declarer drew the last trump with dummy’s jack and then led dummy’s other club. It looked as though the defenders were bound to get a spade, a diamond and two clubs, but somehow they couldn’t manage to collect their tricks.

East was bound to get end-played no matter how they struggled. If West won the second round of clubs, he could lead the queen of diamonds to force out dummy’s ace. Declarer would then give up a spade trick, and East would have to return a spade or a club. Dummy would ruff, and South would discard his losing diamond.

If East won the second round of clubs, he could collect his spade trick at once, but then he would have to continue with a spade or a club. Again, dummy would ruff while South got rid of the losing diamond.