Two Robert Berthe's Spectacular Hands by JC Quantin


    Source: Federacion Francesa de Bridge

    January 15, 2016

    Jean-Christophe Quantin, the French number two player, which occupied the first place from 2007 to 2009, is not far from thinking that owes its success partly due to the reading of «Step by Step» by Robert Berthe. Many learned the card play thanks to Robert»s advice and simplicity of explanation. These are two hands from Berthe who were remembered in a tribute by his recent demise.

    1st hand

    aaxxThe contract was 6NT, and was hit with the total silence of the opposition, the lead was the 7 of spades. East won the trick with the ace to return another spade.

    With 11 secure tricks, I could see I have several winning positions. First, of course, if hearts are 3-3 (or the jack falls). Or J10 diamond or third, to make four diamond tricks.

    Finally, a squeeze at multiple positions, to choose according to the opponent who has the hearts.

    To know what I have to do, I begin with three rounds of heart. West discards in the third round. So I opted for a simple squeeze Diamond-Heart to East. Six cards from the end, the position is as follows:


    I play the spade queen, discarding the five of hearts from dummy, online casino East choose to play the club queen. I crucified my opponent playing the club ace. To maintain his Heart 8, East must discard a diamond. The Diamond 9 now is my 12th trick.

    The second hand is truly spectacular:


    After an auction that should not go down in history, my partner and I, arrived to a 6 spades contract. A heart lead immediately defeats the contract, but West decided to lead his club singleton (surprisingly he has an ace in his hand). It was obvious to me that West lead was from a unique club, so I could not expect to make five club tricks. After playing the ace of clubs, I went to dummy»s spade 10 and played the King of Diamonds, East covered with the ace. I ruffed and played all my trumps and the king of clubs, West discard as planned, this  was the position:


    Then I played the Jack of clubs. West discard the Heart 8, keeping control of diamonds. I was in my hand and played the heart 3, West was end played, and I make the last tricks.