Two Boards explained by Antonio Sementa

Antonio Sementa
Antonio Sementa


Salsomaggiore April 30th – May 3rd 2015

May 3 2015

This is an excellent article from the second bulletin of the championships, Antonio Sementa tells us and analyzes two hands played in the second thursday’s match: Angelini-Vinci.

The match had several interesting moments and I think it must have been fun to follow it in the vugraph. I will comment a couple of hands, I’ll tell you one where we did well and one that was not a good one.

A Sementa Tablilla 21 CO2015 a

Dealer North, N/S vulnerable

Fantoni’s 2heart showed a two colored hand with spade/club.

My 2spade described a limited hand with heart fit, or a hand with slam intentions with 4 heart cards.

Nunes’s 4club was no forcing, with 4 clubs.

 4heart was, frankly, a bit too timid statement, from my colleague Mustafa.

Over that, Fantoni competed with 5club. This really benefited me, because if he say Pass I do not think that would have gone for the slam. The 5club gave me the opportunity to say 5diamond, showing slam interest. After Nunes’s pass, was easy for my partner to say 5spade…And this is the way how we arrived to 6heart.

The 7club defense is very good for East/West but almost impossible to arrive to: with that nice trumps is almost sure that the salm is down and for Nunes is almost impossible to say 7club.

At the other room, Hugony-Vinci played the heart game (4heart+2): 13 IMPs for us.

A Sementa Tablilla 25 CO2015

What should you say after hearing 2diamond? 1NT was obliged, meaning máx 10-11, with no 4 cards major. Partner’s 2diamond can be a one colored hand with 5 diamonds, every time he has two cards in a major.

Thinking he could have 5 diamonds, 4 hearts, 2 clubs and 2 spades, with only two diamonds I chose to pass. But I regret it… I should have say 2NT, surely.

However, the doubt existed because we were not vulnerable … If we were Vulnerable certainly would not have happened. In the other room, Saverio and Fabrizio arrived to game: 7 IMP for Vinci.