Two Argentinians in Australia Part II


Canberra 2016 Buenos Aires January 22, 2016       

Two Argentinians in Australia Part I

Yesterday, January 21, 2016, we published an article called Two Argentinians in Australia, about a hand played by Agustin Madala -Alejandro Bianchedi in the NOT QF in Australia, for the Lavazza team. (NOT = Australian National Open teams). With a number of excellent choices they added 17 IMPs in only one board, and finally the team advanced to the semifinals.

This January 23 in Australia … January 22 in Buenos Aires, the Lavazza team beat the Neill team by 155.1 to 59. And now they will face … (yesterday ???…tomorrow ???) the Milner team at the NOT finals.

These were the first set players:


Today we will show you a board that overcame by 3 IMPs the previous one…SF: Lavazza-Neil;  SET 1; Board Number 4:

After West pass, Madala in North opened his hand with 1, East passed and Bianchedi’s 2 was forcing game. Agustín continued showing his second suit: 2 and Alejandro supported his partner with 3. Madala asked for keycards, and when his partner showed two keycards plus the trump queen, continued with a 6 cuebid. When his partner confirmed his diamond king, Agustín decided for the spade grand slam. The grand is cold, declarer pitched two clubs in the top diamonds…

This is the video when this hand was played:

Let’s see what happened at the other table:

North also opened 1 after West’s inicial pass and South algo answered 2, forcing game. But North (for system requirements?) rebidded 2 before showing his second suit and the partnership eventually chose to play the grand slam in hearts. The declarer didnt guess the trump position and ended one down.

This are all the match boards, card by card: