Tromso 2015: The Journey



7th European Open Championships

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July 4, 2015 Tromso Norway

Inon Liran y Udi Friedlander
Inon Liran y Udi Friedlander

A year ago an Israeli partnership, Ehud FRIEDLANDER and Inon LIRAN were the winners of the Open Pairs at the world championships in China Sanya 2014 and some months later we posted in an article where  in a video they talked about their interest to leave their daily activities to start playing bridge professionally. Click here and watch the video.

Patricia Cayne y Dano de Falco
Patricia Cayne y Dano de Falco

In 2015, Ehud and Inon, won the Pairs event of the Slava Cup and today we find this youn couple playing at the European Open Team Championships in PDC team (Patricia equipment Cayne), along with another young and excelent Israeli couple Dror PADON (Israel) y Bar TARNOVSKI (Israel), and Dano de Falco playing with Patricia Cayne.

From Dano de Falco Mabel Bocchi in her article: Benito Garozzo: The Myth wrote:

They can rely on the names that have helped to make Italian Bridge history: Benito Garozzo, together with Dano De Falco, Pietro Forquet, Nino Masucci, Carlo Mosca and Silvio Sbarigia.

In the last session on July 4 the PDC team before the last match of the day was fifth, and faced Valio team that was third on the standings. The match ended with a PDC the victory by 22 to 7, and with PDC in the third place in the generals and Valio in the 14th.

Let see some of the match’s boards:

T 2015 EO Tab  R 5 13

 In board 13, with 18 points South opened 1NT and his partner passed. They scored +120.

 At the other table Tarnovski opened his hand 1 and after learning they had fit in spades, he jumped to 3diamond suit, and they played the spade game.

 Lead: heart suitQ

 The declarer won the heart suitQ lead, with his heart suitA, played the A and another club, won by East.

T 2015 EO Tab  R 5 13 a He ruffed the heart return and let run the 10, when this won the trick, he insisted with the 5, he covered the Q with his king and West’s ace won the trick. Dummy’s 9 won the spade return and a club was ruffed. Declarer continued with diamond suitA and diamond suitK and when he saw the diamond suitQ over the table, he claimed the rest of the tricks.

Board 17 only generated only a 2 IMPs swing, but was a nice board.T 2015 EO Tab  R 5 17

Board 17

 Padon opened 1NT weak and Zobu doubled, South started a scape technique, with a redouble and stopping in 2, doubled by West, East converted with a pass. The defense was really good, worth to see it:

Lead: diamond suit4

Zobu led a diamond, and the diamond suitA killed the diamond suitK. North played a small club and Zobu played the 3, after a long thought the declarer chose to play the K and was recompensated when the Q singleton dropped…saving a trick.

The declarer continued with the 10, East won the trick with his J, watching his partner pitch the 6, returned a small spade. East won with the K and returned the heart suit10. Declarer played a small heart and after the heart suit10 won the trick, West played the heart suit6 to East’s heart suitJ, then came the A and another , won with the queen. Declarer ruffed a heart and East ruffed the next trick, a diamond to the diamond suitQ, to return a diamond, declarer, let him win, to lose only one trick more. T 2015 EO Tab  R 5 17 a

At the other table East/West played game:

 North opened 1diamond suit, Liran Doubled. And Kovachev jumped to 3diamond suit. Friedlander offered to play in one major with 4diamond suit. Liran chose spades.

 Lead: diamond suit10

Isporski won the diamond suitJ with the diamond suitQ and returned a club, Kovachev won with the K to return a small diamond. Friedlander played the diamond suit6 and ruffed, when the diamond suit8 was played. Declarer continued with a spade to the K, a spade to the J and the A. He pitched a diamond in the A, a heart in the J, ruffed a club, continued with the heart suitQ, and when this worked, played the heart suit9 to the heart suitJ and heart suitA. He gave one trick and claimed his contract. + 420 and a loss of only 2 IMPs thanks to a very good defense.

A couple who is beginning his journey … and by the way is reaping significant victories.