Tromso 2015: A Christina’s Action Double



7th European Open Championships

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June 29, 2015 Tromso Norway

Today were played: the Round of 16 and the quarterfinals. In the quarterfinals the White House team defeated the Breno team, the one that won the Round Robin.


Board 19 from the second set, added 11 out of the 30 IMPs that WH won over the set’s 14 boards.

QF Set 2, Board 19 T 2015 tab 19 QF 2S

Double Dummy E/O have a 5diamond suit cold game, however Christina Lund Madsen from White House team was the only player who managed to arrive to the game.

Manno passed and Bakkeren opened 1diamond suit, Piscitelli in North passed, and Christina with a 4-3-3-3 y 9 points hand said 1NT. Mano competed with 2heart suit and Bakkeren said 3diamond suit, North pushedto 3heart suit and now Christina thought, that her partner had to have a good hand because he bidded 3diamond suit and used what she call the «Action Double», and doubled, which means I have the maximum for my bid, I like my hand too and I have good diamond support, Bakkeren continued with 4diamond suit. Christina re-thought her hand and saw her partner’s heart singleton, no heart wasted values, and all her honors worked, and if her partner needed the club finesse…and basically as she didnt want to lose the game she said 5diamond suit.

Piscitelli in Norte led her heart suitA, and when she saw dummy’s three cards she switched to a spade, Bakkeren won Manno’s J with the A and played diamond suitA, and claimed the contract when the diamond queen appeared.

This is what was played in all the tables:


At the end of the match, Fernando Lema asked Christina about this hand, this is what she said: