Tromso 2015: 7th European Open Championships


Tromso, Norway • 27 June – 11 July 2015

Official Site    Tromso Site

This Saturday July 27, 2015 will start at Tromso, Norway the: 7th European Open Championships. correspondent and editor, Fernando Lema is already traveling to Tromso. For the time being we bring you the different championships to be played and the Participation List of eachevent.

The first championship the Mixed Teams, total Entries so far: 84 teams, with 377 players from 29 countries. : Click Here to see them all.

The second Championship is the Mixed Pairs, total Entries so far: 205 pairs from 34 countries (Click Here) to see them all and the Open Pairs Championship total Entries so far: 192 pairs from 29 countriesClick Here)  to see them all.

On Saturday July 4, will start the European Open/Women/Seniors Teams Championships. 

Open = Total Entries so far: 93 teams, with 427 players from 30 countries

Women= Total Entries so far: 20 teams, with 87 players from 16 countries.

Mixed: Total Entries so far: 84 teams, with 377 players from 29 countries.

Seniors = Total Entries so far: 12 teams, with 53 players from 8 countries.

Participation List
Mixed Pairs Mixed Teams
Open Pairs Open Teams
Women Pairs Women Teams
Senior Pairs Senior Teams

These are some photos posted in facebook from some participants already in Tromso:

Prime foto di tromso. Fa freddino!!!!

Posted by Gianluca Barrese on Martes, 23 de junio de 2015


The Championships comprise the following medal events:

• Mixed, Open, Women and Seniors Teams
• Mixed, Open, Women and Seniors Pairs

Parallel with the finals of the medal events there will be special EBL teams and pairs events where non qualifiers are invited to participate free of charge. They will also be open to new entrants at a fee.

In addition to these EBL medal and special events there will also be daily, shorter, side events organized by the NBF.


Date Time Event (medal events in bold)
Saturday June 27                               10.00 – 19.30                                Mixed Teams                                               
Sunday June 28 10.00 – 19.30       Mixed Teams
Monday June 29 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Mixed Teams (Knockout R16 & QF)                                                       
Open BAM Teams
Tuesday June 30 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Mixed Teams (Knockout SF & Final)
Mixed Pairs (Qualification)
Wednesday July 1 10.00 – 19.30 Mixed Pairs (Semi-final A & B)
Thursday July 2 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Mixed Pairs (Final Day 1 of 2)
Open Pairs EBL Cup (Day 1 of 2)
Friday July 3 10.00 – 19.30
10.00 – 19.30
Mixed Pairs (Final Day 2 of 2)
Open Pairs EBL Cup Day 2 of 2)
Saturday July 4 10.00 – 19.30 Open/Women/Seniors Teams
Sunday July 5 10.00 – 19.30 Open/Women/Seniors Teams 
Monday July 6 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Open Teams (KO R16 & QF)
Women/Seniors Teams (KO QF & SF)
Open BAM Teams
Tuesday July 7 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Open Teams (Knockout Semi-final)
Women/Seniors Teams (KO Final)
Open/Women/Seniors Pairs (Q)
Wednesday July 8 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Open Teams (Knockout Final)
Open/Women/Seniors Pairs (Q)
Thursday July 9 10.00 – 19.30
10.00 – 19.30
Open Pairs (Semi-final A & B)
Women/Seniors Pairs (Final)
Friday July 10 10.00 – 19.45
10.00 – 19.30
Open Pairs (Final Day 1 of 2)
Marit Sveaas Swiss Pairs
Saturday July 11 10.00 – 19.30
10.00 – TBA
Open Pairs (Final Day 2 of 2)
Marit Sveaas Swiss Pairs