Source: NABC Phoenix ACBL Bulletins
Dealer North, E/W Vul
5 4 Q J 10 A Q 7 Q J 10 8 2 |
8 6 7 6 3 2 10 9 8 6 2 A K |
A J 10 9 7 A K 4 5 3 7 6 4 |
K Q 3 2 9 8 5 K J 4 9 5 3 |
West | North | East | South |
Pass | 1 | 1 | 1NT |
All Pass | |||
Opening lead: 8
The bidding is normal and West’s lead figures to be from a doubleton. With three low spades in an unsupported suit, the proper lead is low and with a singleton, West might have led something else. In any case, East should try to preserve
communication with West’s hoped-for second spade by playing the 9 at trick one. Assuming South wins and plays a club, West wins and plays that important second spade that allows East to win and drive out South’s remaining spade honor.
Not so fast. Assume East does just that. Now a second club is led and West is in again. Now West has a problem. If West shifts to a heart everything will turn out fine because East has the top two hearts. But what if East had the K and the A?
Now it is necessary to shift to a diamond to beat the hand.
The answer is for East to make things easy for West by leading the K before driving out South’s remaining spade stopper. Now it is easy for West to lead a heart upon winning the second club. Notice that East led the K from the A-K, the proper card to lead after trick one with that holding.