Thinking Bridge: Atlanta NABC 5th Day

Eddie Kantar
Eddie Kantar

Opening lead: A.

Bidding commentary: West has a good hand, but no convenient way to enter the bidding. A takeout double with a low doubleton in an unbid major is off the wall. North does best to support hearts rather than bid 1, an unlimited response. If possible, limit a weak hand quickly.

Lead commentary: Looks normal. It takes a brave soul to lead something else when holding A-K-Q-(x) in a suit.

Defensive commentary: West must realize that this dummy is good for one thing, and one thing only: ruffing diamonds. Club tricks, if there are any, are not going away. West must shift to a trump at trick two, playing a second trump when in with a diamond. Because the spades are blocked, declarer can take no more than five hearts in the closed hand, one diamond ruff in dummy, and three spades. Down one. Without the trump shift at trick two, declarer can ruff two diamonds in dummy and make the contract. When a weak dummy tables with a short suit plus trump support, trump leads are usually called for. As a defender, keep length parity with the dummy. East should not discard a spade holding four spades and looking at four spades in dummy.