The Saga Continues: France in BB 2015


    Source: FFBLogo FFBridge

    Following a succession of events known by almost everybody the French Open Team has been invited to participate at the world championships to be held in Chennai (India) from September 26 to October 10.

    The selection committee, faced with the unavailability of Jean-Christophe Quantin, has decided that the following partnerships will play the next Bermuda Bowl:

    François Combescure-Jérôme Rombaut

    François Combescure
    François Combescure

    Jérôme Rombaut
    Jérôme Rombaut

    Thomas Bessis-Frédéric online slots Volcker,

    Thomas Bessis
    Thomas Bessis

    Frédéric Volcker
    Frédéric Volcker

    Nicolas Lhuissier-Godefroy de Tessières

    Nicolas Lhuissier-Godefroy de Tessières
    Nicolas Lhuissier-Godefroy de Tessières

    Average age: 35 years

    Lionel Sebbane
    Lionel Sebbane

    Captain Lionel Sebbane.

    We wish luck to our two teams and count on your support.