The Reverse Drury Convention

The Reverse Drury

Reverse Drury is a variation of the Drury convention . In keeping with the principle of fast arrival, it reverses the meanings of opener’s 2 and 2/ rebids.

After opening 1 in third or fourth seat and getting a 2 Drury response, opener can rebid:

2 A normal opening bid (12+ points)
2 A sub-minimum hand (10-12 points)
All other bids   Natural, with normal opening values (12+ points)

After opening 1 in third or fourth seat and getting a 2 Drury response, opener can rebid:

2 A normal opening bid
2 Natural, 4+ hearts, but does not guarantee a full opening bid
2 A sub-minimum hand
All other bids   Natural, with at least normal opening values

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