The Hand of a Lifetime


Henri SvarcAs published in Newsletter of Trumps Bridge Center , March 2006

South was Henri Svarc who for many years was one of the best French players. See if you can find the play he made to bringin this slam. Think imaginatively… and then some! Plan the play.

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Lead : 2

The lead is clearly a singleton so you had better rise with the diamond Ace as West figures to have the missing trump. Now that you haveovercome that hurdle, how are you going to get rid of all your diamonds? Well, you can cash your heart King and if hearts break 3-3, you can set up the suit with one ruff. But you need two dummy entries to pull this off and only one is in plain sight, the spade Ace. Henri found two! Do you see the entry Henri saw? It was the 6! Yes, I know you dont have the 6. They do and they must pay!

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At trick two Svarc crossed to the King of heart and led the 5 . When West played the 6, he let him hold the trick! Now what could West play? If he leads a heart, Savar can set up the hearts using the spade Ace as the entry to get to the hearts. If he leads a club, Svarc ruffs in dummy and is again able to set up the hearts while the spade Ace is over there.