The FeatherSton Convention by GS Jade Barrett

GS Jade Barrett
GS Jade Barrett

Featherston is a notrump defense, legal in all ACBL events. Originally conceived by Norm Featherston inspired by a James Cansino Strong Club defense, and further developed by Geoffrey S Jade Barrett; this simple and easy to use convention continues to gain popularity year over year.

Double:  Shows touching suits, ie. Clubs and Diamonds or Diamonds and Hearts, Hearts and Spades or Spades and Clubs.
2:   Shows 4+ Clubs and 4 +Hearts.
2:   Shows 4+ Diamonds and 4 +Spades.
2:   This overcall is natural and promises at least a 6-card Heart suit.
2:   This overcall is natural and promises at least a 6-card Spade suit.
3:   This overcall is natural and promises at least a 6-card Club suit.
3:   This overcall is natural and promises at least a 6-card Diamond suit.
2NT:   Promises both Minor suits, Clubs and Diamonds, with a pattern of 5-6 or 6-5 or very strong with both Major suits at least 5+5+ plus
Pass:  If the partner of the Doubler has additional values, then the partner is allowed to pass the double and play for penalty.

After a double of 1NT, responder typically bids 3+ card suits up the line. There are circumstances in which other bids can be made, as well. Over a 2 or 2 bid by partner our actions are dictated by the judicious use of common sense. This device can be played comfortably and effectively without using all the extensions, but we encourage experimentation – remember we want you to explore all your possibilities! With this in mind here are a few hands to bid:

1 1NT Double Pass Q54 97642 J3 532
2 1NT Double Pass ? 6532 AQ 8742 QJ4
3 1NT Double Pass ? QT6432 J73 862 A
4 1NT 2 Pass ? KJ4 T7532 K532 Q
5 1NT 2 Pass ? JT86432 AJ3 Q86
6 1NT 2 Pass ? 952 Q742 J5 AJ842
7 1NT 2 Pass ? T97532 842 Q97 8
8 1NT 2 Pass ? J KQT53 AJ4 J743
9 1NT 2 Pass ? KT765 964 752 J3
10 1NT 2 Pass ? A84 AQ74 6 QT974