«The Defense» Part III


«The Defense» Part III

Example from: » El Carteo Avanzado en el Bridge» by Francisco Popper


Q J 7
J 9 6
10 9 8 4

    8 6 3 2
A Q 10 3
7 5 3
A 4
Teams, All Vulnerable







Pass 3NT Pass Pass

Contract: 3NT

Lead: 3

West lead the 3 and East won the trick with the A…

From this moment: What would be your plan of defense to defeat the contract?.


«The most outstanding feature of a quality player is that he does not react always in the same way to almost the same situations, he focuses each contract individually and immediately move away from the normal, if circumstances warrant.»

All that can happen depends on East return. A skilled player would think: Among my honor points and dummy I see 20 points, if  I add the points promised in South opening bid (15/17), West has between 3 to 5 honor points.

Continue with a club does not seem the most prudent play and the only suit that can develop tricks is the heart suit.  With what heart card would you begin?

Some points to consider:

a) It is almost certain that your partner has a king in his hand. If he has the K, the defense may win the four tricks.

b) If  West dont have the K, he will win at some point and the important thing is at that point: he must know what to play. En this case playing a little heart doesent help.

c) The correct play is the Q in trick two, remaining with the  A 10,  over dummy’s J 9.

  It may also happen that South retains his K over the Q, in that case East returns a little heart maintaining communication between the two defenders.

The four hands were:


Q J 7
J 9 6
10 9 8 4

10 5 4
7 5 2
K 2
108 6 3 2


8 6 3 2
A Q 10 3
7 5 3
A 4

  A K 9
K 8 4
A Q J 6
9 7 5