The 1982 Bols Brilliancy Prize: Jean Besse


“Deadly Unblock» by Nick Nikitine (CHE), player Jean Besse (CHE), published in the Daily Bulletin Biarritz 1982.

In a fourth-round encounter of Wednesday’s Swiss between Jimmy Ortiz-Patiño’s team, and a Japanese squad, Jean Besse produced a defensive feat to spell doom on a contract, which made at the other table.


West lead the 5, dummy inserted the 10, Besse covered and declarer ducked.

The suit was continued and West took the king with the ace. A third round cleared the clubs and Besse made a good shot at the BOLS Brilliancy Prize by discarding the A!

After that there was no way declarer could come to nine tricks, he eventually lost four clubs and the Q which provided the vital entry to the established suit after the master’s deadly unblock.