Telefhone Wire by Terence Reese and Eddie Kantar


Source » Defend with your Life»

Rubber Bridge Dealer South all Vul

 K Q 3  
 J 10 9 7          
 10 9 7 4 2
 K 6 5 4 3            
 A J 7
 A 6 3
 8 3

The Auction:

West   North    East       South  
 Pass  1NT  Pass     3
 Pass  3NT  Pass     4 
 Pass  5  Fin

Lead: A

On rubber bridge, and for a moment you hoped you would be defending against a hated rival in four spades. Five Clubs is less promising for your angle.

You decide to lead the A on which partner plays the 2 and declarer the K.

What chance have you now to save the rubber? What do you lead at trick two?


South plays in 5 after an auction that has marked him with long spades. When the K falls under the A on the first trick, you place him with: 6-2-1-4 or 6-1-1-5 distribution.

You expect to make your two aces, but where will the third trick come from?

The best chance is that partner will hold Kx by leading the K! at trick two, attacking by overhead cable. Suth will win and lead a heart. Yu go up with the A and lead another spade.

It would, of course, be a mistake to cash the A at trick two, as this wuld allow South to enter dummy and pick up the trumps.

The complete deal:

 K Q 3  
 J 10 9 7          
 10 9 7 4 2
 K 6 5 4 3
 A J 7
 A 6 3
 8 3
 10 9 8 5 2
 Q 8 5 4 2         
 K 5
 A Q J 8 7 2 
 6 4
 A Q J 6