Splinters, Jacoby y Slam By David Beauchamp


Source: Canberra 2017 Bulletin 1        

Playing bridge with Tom Jacob at Adelaide Nationals Final, sitting North I pick up this hand:

 AJ432  Q764  KJ75

South opens 1, what do you respond?

Your first inclination is to bid 4. This would be a splinter showing 4 card trump support, 11/13HCP plus a singleton. A splinter could also show a  void but a void strengthens your hand considerably and may therefore be seen as too strong for this bid. It is not recommended to splinter with hands stronger than 11-13 point range, as the bid takes up a lot of bidding space and it is already often difficult for opener to decide whether to look for slam or sign-off in game.

Therfore, you respond 2NT – this is a Jacoby raise convention showing four card support and an opening hand plus. Opener’s follow-ups after 2NT are as devised by Andy Hung and Nathan Van Jole (semi-retired from bridge and lives in Townsville). The first steps show point range: 3 11-13, 3 14-16, 3 17-19.

The next bid up asks for shortage: there are 4 steps in response- no shortage, low shortage, medium shortage and high shortage. The bidding goes:

1 2NT
3 (1) 3 (2)
4 (3) 4 (4)

1) Partner shows 11/13 HCP

2) Asks partner for shortages

3) Shows a  shortage

4) Cue bid

Partner’s 5 bid shows serious slam interest and, as partner has not cued, by inference this must show good trumps. I bid 6. South’s full hand:

 6  AKT832  QJ98  Q4