Southamerican Youth Team Championships

Argentina Juniors: Maximo CRUSIZIO, Felipe Jose FERRO, Rodrigo GARCIA DA ROSA, Lucas LICCIARDO, Tomas LICCIARDO, Francisco Pablo MONTES DE OCA, Gerardo Enrique ZUMEL non-playing captain
Campeonato Sudamericano Categoria Sub 21 Campeón Argentina: Maximiliano Salvador, Juan Etchepareborda, Santiago Rueda, Matías SantaAna y Gerardo Zumel (CNP) ausentes: Ariel Argain y Nicolás Singiale.

2012 Montevideo

  In the city of Montevideo (ROU) from May 26 to June 3, were held the 2012 Southamerican Youth Team Championships in its two categories Under 25 and Under 20.  The top two teams, won the right to participate in the 14th World Youth Team Championships in their categories held in Taicang, China, from 25 July to 4 August 2012.  In the Under 26 categoryArgentine defeted Brasil: Tomas Thomas, Felipe Ferro, Rodrigo Garcia da Rosa, Francisco Montes de Oca, Cristian Matias Cuchian (non-playing captain), Maxi Crusizio, and Lucas Licciardo.  In the Under 20 category Argentina won the final to Uruguay, initially the favorite. The team was:  Juan Cruz Etchepareborda, Maximiliano Nicolas Salvador Singiale from Bariloche, Ariel Argain from Villa White, Matías SantaAna y Santiago Rueda de CABA, their coach Dr. Gerardo Zumel from San Juan. 

We expect that as soon as possible mind sports will be receiving the same financial support as the physical sports.