Mixed Teams Championship
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Sanya China; 13 de Octubre 2014
[ilink url=»http://csbnews.org/author/zia-mahmood/?lang=en»]Zia Mahmood [/ilink] is in Sanya, China playing the World Mixed teams Championship.
His team is: Sabine AUKEN (Germany) – Roy WELLAND (Germany); Marion MICHIELSEN (Netherlands) – Zia MAHMOOD (U.S.A.); Anita SINCLAIR (England) – Nafiz ZORLU (Turkey).
Zia’s team named Salvo will star to play the Quaterfinals these tuesday , October 14th.
During the second day of the qualifying stage, Fernando Lema, Csbnews.org editor asked Zia about some interesting hand and he told him about a fantastic defense by Sabine AUKEN (Germany) and Roy WELLAND (Germany).
Here is the video with Zia explaining the hand: