Sanya 2014: K. Jassem tells a Hand


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Saturday October 25 2014

After the end of the Open teams championship in Sanya 2014, while the team Mazurkiewicz was celebrating the victory over the powerful Monaco team, Simon Fellus (WBF) approached Jassem, one of the new World Champions and asked him if he remembered a special board.

Sanya 2014 Michal Klukowski, R16 Set 2 de 3 Tab 13

Jassem recalled Board 13, Round of 32, played against the Nickell team:

At one of the tables Gawrys opened 2, showing a weak hand with one of the majors. His partner Michal Klukowski, concentrated on finding out his partner’s suit and in showing his diamond suit. When he find out that his partner had long hearts and short spades, he declared the heart slam. Declarer had no trouble making his contract.

At the other table after North’s 2 opening, South decided to bid 6, he had to protect the spade suit.

Declarer received West’s A lead. East played the 10 and West switched to a heart, defeating the contract…

Watch the video where Jassem tells us how did he lived the board at the table: