Sanya 2014: A Silver Medal Hand in the Final A


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Friday October 17, 2014

Mixed Pairs Championship







Videos WBF

Jie Jack Zhao and Kerri Sanborn are the brand new Mixed Pairs World Champions.


The first session of the Final A began the play very late in Argentina, so I only saw a part of the first session of the final.

I rescue Board 3, where I witness a nice defense developed by PSZCZOLA Jacek (U.S.A.) and WORTEL Meike (Netherlands) the silver plate winners playing against BERTHEAU Peter and LARSSON Jessica who finished fourth.

Sanya 2014 Tablilla 3 FA

Board 3:

Wortel opened 1, Larsson passed and Pepsi said 1. Bertheau decided to show his two colored hand, and Wortel bid 5, exclusion blackwood  = partner tell me your keycards but not count the diamond ones…I am void there.

Larsson chose a posible sacrifice. Pepsi passed and Bertheau correct to 5. Wortel closed the heart slam. Larsson considered the sacrifice  the best of her options…Pepsi doubled…he did not want hear a fly flying …

 Lead: K

Wortel led her K, dummy played the 5 y Pepsi his J and declarer the 7. Double dummy you can see that any card excluding a trump is the best defense.

But Wortel could not be sure that his partner had K, and she bably needed to arrive to his partners hand, for a diamond return, and she found the solution playing a slmall heart…

Wortel left her hand playing the 4, to his partner’s 10, South ruffed the diamond return, played her A and more club…forcing declarer to lose the trick or to remain trapped in dummy. Bertheau chose to ruff.

Bertheau couldnt play from dummy with out damage, so he played A and a small to the K for four down = 1100.