Remembering Guido Ferraro

Garozzo y Ferraro

Guido Ferraro 1959 – 2014

Italy 2011 Champion
Italy 2011 European Champion

Guido was a prominent figure within Italian and World bridge, with an exceptional palmarès : winner of the Olympiads in Maastricht in 2000, of the Rosenblum in 2002, of the World Open Transnational in 2003 , of the European Open Teams Championship in 1999 and 2001, of the European Mixed Teams Championship in 2002 , of the European Champions’ Cup in 2002, 2011, 2012 and 2013, to which should be added an incredible number of victories in the Italian championships and in various international events. (Source: WBF)

Malta 1999: 44th Generali European Championships  (Bulletin 7)

 Role Reversal 

Guido Ferraro is well known as one of the best VuGraph commentators, usually spotting the winning line of play at a glance and frequently predicting a sparkling piece of play well in advance of its appearance on the table. At these championships the boot is on the other foot so to speak as he is a member of the high-flying Italian team, thereby giving his fellow commentators a chance to see if he can practice what he preaches. Two deals from the top of the table clash between Italy and Norway illustrate that he is definitely not one of those players who simply talk a good game.


Down one Italy= +50

Guido Ferraro y Dano de Falco
Guido Ferraro y Dano de Falco

When this result from the Closed Room appeared on the screen it caused some surprise. It looks as if declarer cannot possibly lose seven tricks. An examination of the play record revealed the following:

The opening lead was ducked, as was a second diamond that went to the jack. Declarer won the third diamond and ran the jack of clubs to West’s queen. The eight of hearts was returned and when the queen held the contract was safe.

Looking for extra tricks declarer now ran the jack of spades.That lost to West who now played the king of hearts.Winning in hand with the ace declarer played a second spade to the ten.

I can hear you thinking ‘what a blunder’ as West won and put his partner in with a heart to cash the setting trick.

However I have omitted to tell you that Guido won the first spade with the ace!

Can you blame declarer for being taken in?

Notice that unblocking the eight of hearts would have produced another trick for the defence if East had held the seven.

In the other room declarer made nine tricks in 2NT on the lead of the six of spades so Italy picked up 6 IMPs.

The second hand might have well appeared under the title:

Operation Successful but…


Giorgio Duboin y Guido Ferraro
Giorgio Duboin y Guido Ferraro

North led the five of clubs and the queen held, South playing the ten. Guido played a diamond to the nine and ten and North continued with the two of clubs. That made declarer a present of a club trick and convinced declarer that North was looking t the diamond suitAQ. Now he could hardly afford to play on diamonds as North would win and clear the clubs, leaving only the small chance that the queen of spades was doubleton.

Guido realised that the spade suit offered excellent chances of providing three tricks. If North held spade suitQx, spade suit109, spade suitQ9, spade suit10x, spade suit9x for example then running the jack would be fine. A second round of spades would leave declarer able to pick up the suit via a finesse of the eight. There was also the point that declarer ‘knew’ that North had three or more diamonds and five clubs. He would be able to get an almost complete count before the final spade play by cashing three heart tricks.

Bermuda Bowl - Norway Boye Brogeland, Glenn Groetheim, Geir Helgemo, Tor Helness, Erik Saelensminde, Ulf Tundal, Sten Bjertnes (npc) and Vegard Brekke (coach)
2007 Bermuda Bowl – Norway
Boye Brogeland, Glenn Groetheim, Geir Helgemo, Tor Helness, Erik Saelensminde, Ulf Tundal, Sten Bjertnes (npc) and Vegard Brekke (coach)

Having won with the jack of clubs, his mind made up, declarer played the jack of spades and ran it. North won and set up two club tricks. When the king of spades drew only the four from North Guido had to rely on a 3-3 break. When it failed to materialise he ended up two down.

Well thought out but a loss of 800 points as at the other table although the contract was the same North switched to a heart at trick three. Declarer now had time to play on diamonds, finally setting up a trick in the suit and eventually dropped the queen of spades to pick up a useful swing.