Raising Funds to Promote Bridge for Young Players

Gianarrigo Rona
Gianarrigo Rona

As you will be aware, the World Bridge Federation is committed to the development of Youth Bridge – the future of our wonderful game.

To this end, the President has asked us to organise four new Simultaneous Pairs each year – in October, December, March and August to raise funds specifically to help develop and promote bridge for young players – please click here to read more about how the WBF wants to support Youth Bridge.

Each one will be run on a Monday and a Wednesday (day time or evening), with different hands for each day of course. WBF Year Points will be awarded to the leading pairs and we have requested the NBOs to award overall points based on their own national ranking.

The dates for the first two are Monday 22nd & Wednesday 24th October, and 17th & 19th December 2012. The dates for 2013 can all be found at http://www.ecatsbridge.com/sims/info/calendar.asp

 The material will all be sent by email to the heat organisers, and the booklets and hands will be available on the website at www.ecatsbridge.com as normal immediately after the event.

Because we are doing it this way we are able to keep the entry fees low – just US$3.00, €2.50, or £1.90 per pair (note … per PAIR, not per player)  – full payment instructions will be sent with the zip file of hands etc.

I know it is quite short notice for the first one, but it would be really great if you could help us with the publicity so we can get as many clubs as possible to play in these events. All the clubs need to do is email me – anna@ecats.co.uk – with their club name and the day they want to play. As simple as that!