Palace Cup 2015: Vitas wins the Teams Tournament


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The second edition of PALACE CUP tournaments, organized by and Pałac Prymasowski in Warsaw was played from 21-25 June 2015. To Read about the Pairs events Click Here

The Final of the PALACE CUP INVITATIONAL TEAMS was a family affair – Team VITAS faced Team ERA.Vitas foto equipo

VITAS = V.Vainkonis, Olanski, Gierulski, Skrzyoczak, Schwartz, Fischer

ERA = A. Arlovich, M. Barylewski, C. Krzeminki, R. Patchman, E. Vainikonis, P. Zatorski.

equipo era

In the first set ERA had achieved a 14 IMPs lead. But in the second segment VITAS reversed the situation, adding 66 IMPs in the first 7 boards of the set, while ERA could not score a single IMP  … finally in the last two boards ERA added two IMPs but wasnt enough … Vitas was the new owner of the 2015 PC trophy and the cash prize.


Let see the boards that annihilated the enemy …

In the first board the Champion recovered the difference and took the lead.

PC Mano 11 final

Board 11 

South opened with a precision 2club suit, showing a hand with clubs and when North come up with 3NT he passed. The heart lead gave the defense the first 5 tricks and although the declarer claimed the rest, he was down one.

At the other table the young Israeli partnership: Fisher-Schwartz was much more careful …
PC Mano 11 final a s

Fisher didn’t open the hand, and Schwartz in the third seat opened 1NT. South began with Stayman and when he learned that his partner had no majors, he said 2spade suit, which led the partnership to find their club fit and to land in an excellent 6club suit contract. Declarer ruffed the heart lead and after drawing trumps, he claimed the 13 tricks…14 IMPs.PC Mano 12 final

Board 12

Both tables arrived to the same 3NT contract. In one  table North received the club suitJ lead,  and won the first trick with his club suitK to continue with a small heart. East played a small one and dummy’s heart suitK won the trick, the declarer insisted in another heart. This time West’s heart suitQ won…This gave him the opportunity to play a club … bad news and two down.PC Mano 12 final a

At the other table Schwartz also received a club lead: club suit5 and he also won the first trick with his club suitK. The lead convinced declarer that Patchman had the club suitA, so he decided that was too dangerous for him that Zatorski could play a club… so he continued with the spade suitK and spade suitA (watching Pachtman play the spade suit10). He continued with a diamond and when Zatorski played the diamond suit7, as diamond suit4, diamond suit3 y diamond suit2  were in dummy he played the diamond suit5…Patchman had no choice but to win the trick and as he realized that the declarer had no intention to let his partner in and as he still had the ace of hearts, he cashed the club suitA and left his hand with the club suitJ.

Schwartz won the trick with the queen, run the diamonds and continued with the spade suitQ, when he saw the spade suitJ…he claimed 9 tricks and another 13 IMPs.PC Mano 14 final

Board 14

East opened 2heart suit, after South’s pass, West said 4heart suit. North competed with 4spade suitPass…Pass…Pass. The declarer make 13 tricks after the club suitK lead.

At the other table Schwartz-Fisher advanced to the last consequences.
PC Mano 14 final a

Patchman also opened 2heart suit, but here Zatorski helped his opps saying 2spade suit ..Schwartz doubled, Patchman showed his club suit and Zatorski chose hearts. North now continued showing his spade suit with extras and West closed the heart suit.  Fisher revalued his  hand and asked keycards, Zatorski, a little late said 6heart suit. Schwartz  closed the spade slam and Fisher with two aces and spade suit KJx decided to play the spade Grand.

Declarer made the same 13 tricks after receiving the same lead, but the GS bonus was another 14 IMPs for his team. PC Mano 15 final

Board 15

South opened 1heart suit, West competed with 1spade suit, North showed his diamond suit and East with a heart cuebid asked his partner about his hand. Gierulski informed about his bad hand, but East insisted and closed the spade game. South chose to double.

North led his diamond suitQ, dummy’s diamond suitK, ruffed by South. Believing his partner had the club suitQ he returned the club suit8…

West must have been very surprised when he won the trick with the club suitQ, because this allowed him to draw trumps (spade suitA and spade suitK), and continue with the diamond suit3, winning the trick with the diamond suit10 when North played the diamond suit4. After that he was able to pitch the club loser in the diamond suitK and claimed 10 tricks to score +590. At the other table N / S played 3diamond suit one down, for 10 IMPs for their team.

PC Mano 16 final

Board 16

After West’s 1spade suit opening bid and 2heart suit rebid, E/W arrived to a 4heart suit contract. Declarer only lost a spade, a diamond and a heart for +420. At the other table Zatorski (West) chose to pass and the partnership played a heart part score, another 10 IMPs for Vitas.

The final was announced as three sets, something happened because after this beating Schwartz-Fisher published on Facebook that they had won the Palace Cup 2015 … and how !!!!

Lotan Fisher y Ron Schwartz
Lotan Fisher y Ron Schwartz with their prizes

All the boards: