Ostende 2013: An Authentic Fredin

Peter Fredin

A famous Jose Ortega y Gasset quote is : “The future that awaits us is not just any, is «our future» the one we deserve because of our present …our now.”. If O and G would have been one of the BBO Kibitzers when Peter Fredin played this board, would have feel happy, seeing Peter drawing a now that gave his team 15 IMPs. 

In the first session of the day June 20, 2013 in the European Mixed Team Championships 2013 in Ostend 2013 Schaltz  and Gross teams played together.

Gross Team: COPE Simon, GOLD David, GROSS Susanna, ROBERTSON Marion

Schaltz Team: BEKKOUCHE Nadia, FREDIN Peter, SCHALTZ Dorthe, SCHALTZ Peter

Ostende 2013 Fredin 001

 The match ended Schaltz: 29- Gross: 13.

 In Board 2, Gold opened with a major weak preempt and after Peter Schaltz pass, Gross answered 2 (pass/Correct). After thet the Schaltzs didnt stop till 7.  Dhorte, the declarer didnt have any problem to make 13 tricks.

In the other table in West was Peter Fredin and as you must imagine things were totally different.

Nadia Bekkouche in East didnt open and South also passed. When Fredin added these two pass,  with his 3 balanced points and his  no-vulnerability…opened 1NT.

North also made his maths: 21 + 15…no possible slam, so he bidded game: 4… final contract, done 7 and 16 IMPs for Schaltz team…